STEAM+B High School - Center For Education Excellence

The top student instructors at STEAM+B High School are available in the Severna Park, Maryland, USA area for STEAM+B Home Tutoring. Some areas of Arnold, Pasadena, Millersville are available.
(ZOOM STEAM+B Home Tutoring is also available.)
STEAM+B Home Tutoring is designed for up and coming pre-teens and teens who wish to become knowledgeable and proficient in:
- Introduction and advanced Photoshop
- Raspberry PI and Python Development (PyGames)
- Introduction and advanced Gimp
- Introduction and advanced Paint.net
- Introduction to Blender
- Introduction to Adobe Premier Pro
- Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) for live feeds on Twitch
... and more!
These STEAM+B Home Tutoring lessons are designed to help your child become proficient with school presentations, Twitter, YouTube, Roblox, Minecraft, Instagram and more.
Coming 2023 - Introduction to Python via PyGames & Raspberry PI. This is a very exciting addition to STEAM+B Home Tutoring. Upon completion, your child will have the basic knowledge of how Python works. Python knowledge is THE most desired computer scripting language that colleges and companies want for the future.
Christian, AKA "FlightCommander" and Hunter, AKA "Slothy" provide"1-on-1, hands on" instruction at your home or via ZOOM.
Lessons will last 2 hours. At the end of each lesson, your child will have created a fun and functional output, which will make them proud and want to continue to the next level.
FlightCommander and Slothy have been teaching children for years, and are very knowledgeable in utilizing these tools to help pre-teens and teens to make their impact online and at school.
Cost for each 2 hour STEAM+B Home Tutoring session in the Severna Park area is $30.00, paid via Venmo. ($15.00/hour) The tutoring time includes breaks, trust talks, "over the shoulder" assist, strategies for success, motivation, with a goal for successes that will make your child want to do more. Each child will be given a project for review at the next session. Any ZOOM time in between sessions will be billed via Venmo at $7.50 per 1/2 hour with a 1/2 hour minimum charge per call. No minimum number of sessions are required.
These professionals only instruct in ethical & courteous creation and use of STEAM+B knowledge. The instructors have no known allergies. The instructors follow all recommended COVID-19 safety precautions. The instructor will sometimes need to sit behind the student to instruct "over the shoulder". Let them know if this might be a concern.
Gaming quality computer with more than enough power to utilize the programs properly. Internet connection must be via a LAN wire versus WiFi.
Single screen is OK; dual screen is helpful.
Computer must be in FULL view of the parent or guardian. Session cannot occur in any room (bedroom, office, etc.) with a closed door.
Parent or adult guardian must be in attendance at all times.
Access in the home to a flat screen television will assist greatly.
Email for more information and to schedule your first session